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Bipolar Disorder Treatment Services Offered in Phoenix, AZ
Bipolar disorder doesn’t always appear as you expect because its symptoms vary depending on the type. Whether you have severe or mild symptoms the psychiatric professionals at Peak Mental Health provide individualized care, including mood-stabilizing medication and therapy.
Bipolar disorder causes mood swings between mania and depression. However, there are three types of bipolar disorder. While they all cause high and low mood episodes, the severity of your symptoms varies.
Bipolar I disorder
Bipolar I disorder is the original manic depressive disorder. You have episodes of full-blown mania and major depression, usually with neutral periods between the two. In this type of bipolar disorder, your manic episodes are severe, often requiring hospitalization.
Bipolar II disorder
Bipolar II disorder causes swings between hypomania and major depression. Hypomania is a less severe type of mania that doesn’t disrupt your life or lead to hospitalization.
Cyclothymic disorder
This type of bipolar disorder causes more frequent mood swings than bipolar I and II, but your symptoms are less severe than hypomania and major depression.
ADHD is usually diagnosed between four and seven years of age. The condition continues throughout adulthood for one-third of children who have ADHD. Even if you learn you have ADHD at a later age, some symptoms begin during childhood.
The possible causes of bipolar disorder relate to the brain's structure and functioning as well as genetics. A person with a sibling or parent affected by bipolar disorder may likely develop the illness, but not everyone with a family history of bipolar develops the condition. The brain structures of those with bipolar disorder differ from people who don't have it, but psychological and social factors may also contribute to the onset of bipolar disorder. Life-changing events, such as divorce or the death of a loved one, can trigger or worsen symptoms of bipolar disorders. Thankfully, the condition is manageable, and quality of life can be improved with the right bipolar disorder treatment.
An episode of full-blown mania lasts at least seven days. During a manic episode, you may:
- Talk rapidly, frequently switching topics
- Need little to no sleep
- Feel energetic despite lacking sleep
- Have uncontrollable racing thoughts
- Stay constantly active
- Engage in risky behaviors (spending sprees, drinking while driving)
You could also have hallucinations or delusions during a manic episode.
When your mood swings to major depression, you may:
- Feel sad, worthless, and hopeless
- Lose interest in activities you enjoy
- Withdraw from family and friends
- Sleep more or less than usual
- Eat more or less than usual
- Struggle to make decisions
- Feel anxious or restless
- Think about suicide
Many people have physical symptoms when they’re depressed, such as headaches and muscle or joint pain.
Bipolar symptoms can appear during childhood, but the condition is often diagnosed in early adulthood or late teens. If you or a loved one experiences symptoms of bipolar disorder, which include changes in sleep patterns and intense emotions that last for days, see a health professional immediately for the correct diagnosis and treatment. After a thorough psychiatric evaluation, our clinical team develops a treatment plan to help you or your loved one manage symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar I affects 1% of the U.S. population. About 2.9% develop Bipolar II, and 4.2% have cyclothymia. The median age when bipolar disorder appears is 25, while symptoms develop in others as late as age 40 or 50. About two-thirds of those affected by the illness have at least one relative with bipolar disorder.
People with bipolar disorder are likely to have other mental conditions, such as ADHD, anxiety and eating disorders. Bipolar disorder may also lead to drug and alcohol abuse. Those who have severe symptoms may have psychosis symptoms, which include delusions and hallucinations.
We treat bipolar disorder with mood-stabilizing medications and therapy. Combining both treatments produces the best outcomes as therapy gives you the tools you need to manage the impact of bipolar disorder on your daily life.
During therapy, your mental health professional may help you learn to recognize the signs of an approaching mood swing and teach ways to prevent it. Many people use therapy to overcome stress and insomnia. Getting the sleep you need can go a long way toward keeping your moods steady.
Whether you’re worried about mood swings or you’re already diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Peak Mental Health can help. To schedule an appointment, call the office or book online today.

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